Friday, October 9, 2009

Day before the rest of our lives!

So today is the day before Thanksgiving weekend (well, for Canadians anyway) and since I am Canadian...obviously I will be celebrating this weekend. But its not as big as American Thanksgiving. I don't know why...they just take theirs sooo seriously. It's literally like another BIG holiday. Ours is more relaxed. We all just eat till our face hurts and then sleep till the sun rises the next morning. Along with other things in between.

Anyway, tonight I plan on hanging out with my friends and watching ghost hunters :) Hopefully, it won't be a re run. It's like our tradition. Every Friday night, we hangout and watch it. And then the rest of the weekend, I'll be having company over and eating a ton of turkey. Yum!

Happy Thanksgiving! (even if your not Canadian)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh boys ?

The best way to describe one of my downfalls is that one quote we all have heard "I wear my heart on my sleeve." Meaning something like I fall in love to quickly but that doesn't apply to me really because I've never fallen in love. Not yet! So basically I just crush on or extremely like somebody. This would be a good thing, I guess, because you never have to figure out who you like but it sucks when the person you like doesn't feel the same way. Now most likely everyone has or will feel like this some point in time. It sucks but it happens so we have to move on and see what the next person has to offer, if anything at all.

Recently for some odd reason I've yet to figure out, I have had guys talking to me and texting me all the time. Now, the odd thing is that I may like one person or such but no one ever, I mean no one in awhile has liked me back, or so I assume. But lately guys have been talking to me. I mean, is it because I look older, is it because we're all in grade 12 now. I just don't understand, but hey, who's complaining right. I know I shouldn't be. Most girls, I know of would want guys to be asking them to hangout and text them. Me included. Here's the thing though. There were two guys, they liked me (from what I thought and what people have said..) and both had asked me to hangout. In the beginning I was all for this idea. But as the "date" of our hangout drew closer, I freaked out. I ended up convincing myself that there was something wrong with them or that I just didn't like them enough. Now when I say something wrong, I don't mean like something is physically/mentally or emotionally wrong with them, it's just that they drink or party or smoke cigarettes. I am not a big fan of pot smokers but it doesn't bother me, really, just cigarettes...I mean...yuck! Anyway, I ended up avoiding or canceling my plans with these two guys and now, they're both talking to me, but not the same. I think they know I blew them off. I know I should have given them a chance and it was unfair of me to do that but, what can I say. I physced myself out and chose the wrong path, at least with one of them.

Anyway, a week later or so, this other guy and I start talking. Now I've always had a bit of a crush on this guy but I've never said anything or made a move or what not. I just let the wind flow wherever it goes. We started talking and I can't figure out if he likes me or not or may like me or doesn't know...I'm not sure. Then there is this other guy, lmao, I know...all the guys...well he is...let's just say in VERY good shape. ;) I have always sort of had a thing for him but people think hes creepy just because he has a bit of a dirty mind and shares it with others and is a little more straight forward. This however, does not turn me off at all for some reason. I don't find anything creepy or weird about him. I don't know, we flirt but I'm not sure if there is potential for relationship there. So there ya have big relationship drama and somehow I am still emotionally great! Oh boy...!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

face it, we are greedy people.

Face it, we are greedy people. We take and take and want and want. But most of us don't ever give things back. Some of us do, for the better of the people. But the rest of us...we just want more. When we are poor or having financial problems, we see for a moment some of the suffering others have to endure. But only for a moment. A large percentage of North Americans are not in any state where we don't have running water or food on the table everyday, for every meal. We have clothes on our backs and many more in our closets. We have beds and houses to shelter us from the cold. We have an education offered to us, birth control, much that people just give to us. We are lucky people and most of us don't realize it or even take a second to understand it. Why is this?

Today I watched Hotel Rwanda, mostly because I have to do a History project on it. I kept on procrastinating watching this movie because, well, because I had no interest to REALLY want to see it. I would see it if I had to but on my Today, though I did watch it, from beginning until the very end. I have to say...I was very wrong. I was selfish and have been selfish...just like the rest of America. People out there...people in Africa or any poor country who have suffered great loses, experienced a genocide...I feel for you! You are the inspiring people...not us. Not us, who only sing great music and play a million instruments. No, we are just the people who have many opportunities...

I am one girl. One person who probably feels to much for people. Hotel Rwanda is only one of many movies I have seen about innocent people being killed. Yet is was the first to catch me. To realize that we should all make a difference. Why spend so much time stopping global warming, when you could help people live a better life? The world is going to end anyway, why not make those last days for someone worth the while...

Well, because face it, we are greedy people!